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 Respite Care Services Defined:

Temporary care in our home for children with or without special needs while providing relief for the child’s caregivers.

If you need respite, fill out the application (scroll down the page) and make your request & we will see if we can accommodate your needs. We know good quality respite is hard to find. 

* Please always sign up for respite on this page and not in a personal email. 

We may be full. Fill out the form to be placed on a waiting list.  

 Fill out the Contact form on our enrollment page. We are excited about serving your family!


Why Would You Need Respite?

Scheduled Overnight or Extended Stays are Available as Needed.

Respite room is on second floor unless a child cannot use the stairs.

UHW works with child on specific desired skills recognizing root issues & ability.

Need help in training children in basic daily living skills, social thinking and etiquette? Our late evening Home Living Skills Training may be just the thing you need. We have designed our learning time for one of the most hectic times of the day for those who work late into the evening and need a safe family home environment for their children to "learn and live" in a way that is promoting their social/emotional/spiritual well being.


All learning activities are based on how we live in our first community - the family. Age appropriate activities are designed for each child based on mental/physical ability and comprehension and are built upon each time we come together. Children learn needed tools to live and grow within a family unit promoting and producing household stability and peace. Not only that, but the children will learn that contributing to their family is important and they will develop a greater confidence.


Children will participate in a family style dinner each night. During this time we will be learning to wait our turn, serve one another, prefer others before ourselves, table manners, waiting until some one else is finished speaking, and sharing about God and life. This time together is always a lot of fun!


The skills list gives you just a glimpse of some of the daily living skills your child will be learning while staying with us. Please let us know if there are specific skills you would like your child to master. We look forward to serving your family during these early years. 

Who Qualifies for Care? 

  • UHW accepts children with mild to moderate special needs
  • We specialize in Severe Emotional Behavior Disorders
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder, Mild Retardation, Down Syndrome, Mild Cerebral Palsy, Mild to Moderate Autism Spectrum Disorders, Bi-Polar, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and other Mood Disorders
  • Siblings
  • Any child whether special needs or not in need of care

Currently only accepting birth to 10 yrs. unless your child has been previously coming to us. 

Specific​ instructions will be followed for your child.

Ex. Diet, Meds - Forms must be filled out and signed before drop off.

All forms are listed under the Document Page.

Home Living Skills Training for

ages 4 - 10 yrs.
What Daily Living Skills Are Covered?

  • Social Thinking Skills
  • Interrupting Conversation Properly
  • Respecting Others Property
  • Honoring Parents & Others 
  • Cooperation not Compromise
  • Answering a Telephone
  • Setting & Clearing the Table
  •  Load Dishwasher 
  • Putting Others First
  • Clean the Bathroom
  • How to get ready for the next day
  • Obeying First Time Asked
  • How to get ready for Bedtime
  • How to make a bed
  • Caring for Siblings
  • Taking Responsibility for Actions 

Who does not qualify?

  • Medically Fragile
  • Sexually Abusive Children
  • Suicidal or Homicidal Children, or a History of harming Animals
  • UHW Reserves the right to accept or deny services
  • Drop-off & Pick-up must be worked out in advanced. 

Please provide as much information about your child as possible, when requesting care.

Please note other children may be attending at the same time as your child. All children are supervised at all times.

We have pets in our home. 3 dogs, 1 cat, 3 turtles.

ABSOLUTELY NO ELECTRONICS FROM HOME ALLOWED. This includes tablets, laptops, phones, phone watches, etc. Every family allows different activities and UHW will not be responsible for children's viewings. You may call your child as long as it won't cause them distress.

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