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* Needs are to be revealed on the website, in newsletters, or in person, but done in humility without manipulation.

* No debt should ever be incurred.

* Money contributed should be a free will gift offering with no strings attached and never should be used for any other purpose outside UHW guidelines.

* UHW will file yearly tax report as mandated and comply with their regulations.

* No ego pandering by publication of donors' names with the amount of their gifts. Each donor should be thanked privately.

* No prominent or titled persons should be sought for the board or to advertise the institution.

*"The success of the institution should be measured not by the numbers served or by the amounts of money taken in but by God's blessing on the work, which is expected to be in proportion to the time spent in prayer."

We are called as “ambassadors for Christ” (2 Cor. 5:20; Eph. 6:20). A true ambassador not only represents his or her ruler; an ambassador knows that ruler’s policies and how he thinks. He receives regular instruction and, thus, is current on the leader's goals. Should the ambassador be ignorant of the ruler's view, he does not offer his own opinions; he waits to hear from the one he represents. There are seven billion opinions in the world; the nations are not pining for our opinions, but to hear the words of the One we represent: our King, Jesus Christ. Ambassador: what is your king speaking today? – Spiritual Discernment and the Mind of Christ

Francis Frangipane

Guidelines for Receiving Support

Though I respect those who have a preference for never making specific needs known, I do believe there is biblical support for doing so (as Paul did with the Philippians and Corinthians) as long as information, not manipulation, is being shared. When Jesus said to give, not letting your left hand know what the right is doing (see Matt. 6:3), He was addressing motive, not method.

Ten questions to ask before you give money to ministries & that UHW should also follow:

  • 1. Are the people who are asking for money modeling Christ-likeness and servant-hood or salesmanship and self-promotion?
  • 2. Are they exalting Jesus Christ or exalting people and ministries?
  • 3. Do they model prayerful dependency on God, or do they use pressure and manipulation to incite others to give?
  • 4. Do they give people an opportunity to quietly and patiently hear from God, or do they insist that the giving must be done "now" or "instantly"?
  • 5. Is there evidence of humility, purity and integrity in their demeanor and presentation, or do they use insincere hype, pushiness and striving?
  • 6. Do they offer a sincere, faith-building presentation of Scriptures and testimonies or misleading promises and fear-inducing suggestions?
  • 7. Does this ministry have a record of spiritual fruit that honors God, or is their reputation marred by unsubstantiated claims and exaggerated reports? Understanding of Ministries who are just starting out and their need for start up and ongoing support as well.
  • 8. Do the people asking for money have godly lifestyles of humility and servant-hood, or do they live as pampered people who require egotistical titles and lavish living?
  • 9. Is the ministry financially accountable, or are false assurances used to gain credibility?
  • 10. Do they ever imply that giving in an offering will increase a person's spiritual gifts or level of anointing?

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