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Our Team

Hayleigh Meister

Hayleigh is UHW's secretary and is doing a phenomenal job.  Hayleigh is 29 yrs. old, has been married for 7 yrs., is the oldest of 7 children, a twin and has helped her mother raise and care for over 150 foster children since she was a child. She is familiar with all types of special needs and is a positive influence on all those who love her. Hayleigh works a full-time job in the import/export business as an Account Manager as well as being involved in providing respite care, tutoring, and has been involved the mission field. She is an invaluable asset to us all!

Hannah Arellano

Hannah is Hayleigh's twin! Being that she has all the same training and abilities in caring for children with special needs as her sister. She has been married for 4 years and has an adorable 9 yr. old stepson she is helping to raise. Currently, Hannah is co-running a World Class Gym. Hannah is kind, loving, and funny. We have never known a child who didn't love her!  She also has been involved in missions to Guatemala and Haiti and provides respite care and tutoring for our organization as well.  We greatly value her willingness to help!


Jesse Millsap

Jesse is an absolute joy.  He brings so much fun and life to our home.  Jesse is 17 yrs. old, oversees & plays with the children and is always willing to help out no matter the occasion. He works part-time at Chick-fil-a, is an amazing football player, and has just started his own clothing line and LLC.

Jesse has been helping at UHW since he just a little guy himself, he communicates well with children and adults alike. Jesse attends HS as a junior at a homeschool co-op and hopes to attend college to receive his teaching degree and become a HS football coach and start his own business as a personal trainer for children. Everyone loves Jesse!






Qualified House Parent 

Current BS Early Childhood Ed 1996, Mother of 7, Five- Time Adoptive Parent/Children with Special Needs, Foster Parent 91-06, Therapeutic Respite Care Provider Since 2003, Ongoing Training


Cindy - as the Founder & CFO of UHW - has caught the vision (but even more so) - by grace and through faith - lives it out before the eyes of a God Who is very interested in the worthiness of her walk before Him and the ordained work that He has raised Cindy up to do.

I have always seen Cindy as having the forerunner spirit for the orphan and widow, which by the way would be challenge enough for a couple doing this Kingdom work - let alone - her doing it in the physical without a mate. But, where the physical may seem lacking, it is made up for in the spiritual. Cindy - being pierced with the heart of the Father - desiring a family, and Jesus the Bridegroom with holy jealousy - wanting a bride, walks with revelation resting on her as she doesn't limit her God to anything, to include - how ever He would desire, to increase her as she postures her heart to "love as many as He would send."

Literally - nations are being raised up under the roof of the Millsap home fulfilling once again in the physical - what the Lord is desiring - as He makes His great Name and Nature be known as - The Desire of the Nations.

May the Lord continue to pour forth the favor on all that partner and sow into this selfless, Kingdom work. May those that have the heart to see the Lamb receive the reward of His sufferings -receive vision from the blog and web page that make the vision and needs known.

Standing in faith with her - Evelyn Huth


Our home has been dedicated to caring for children with special needs. There is some misunderstanding to what this means. It isn't a babysitting service, but a time of ministering to families who often have exhausting circumstances with constant uninterrupted care- giving. This can be taxing for the entire family. Many of the children we serve have severe emotional & behavioral issues which require "eyes on" and "hands on" at all times. Many of them have come from places of severe trauma. Providing a safe and loving home environment away from the child's home is the best way to help these special families and children in their time of need. (James 1:27)  

We believe children learn best through play, interactive guidance, and by using developmentally mental age appropriate techniques best designed for each individual child. 

With over over 30 yrs experience and monthly training we live to serve.

Respite Care Services Defined:

Temporary care for children with special needs while providing relief for the child's caregivers.

Please see our Respite Page for further information, to see how you might sign up for respite care services.


What we are;

UHW is an active, Christ-centered, family support system which equips, trains, and provides for needs existing within the family unit. We develop a strong sense of family unity and promote raising children to become loving and productive citizens. We teach inclusivity and will always turn the heart of the child to those in authority over them.

What we are not;

We are not a daycare center, school, church, government or state run program.

How many children are serviced?

This depends on the type of services being provided, time frame, available staff & volunteers, and needs of the children.


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