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Equipping Families for LIFE

Vision: Under His Wings home for children provides permanent refuge for fatherless and orphaned children and temporary care for children with special needs.

Psalm 27:10​
Although my father and my mother have forsaken me, yet the Lord will take me up [adopt me as His child].

Mission: To enrich the lives of children and develop character through learning and living by creating a stable and loving home environment and by having the community in which they live participate in their general development.

Under His Wings was designed to look at the lives of each individual child and prayerfully consider their needs and strengths within the family unit and provide for them in a way to promote healthy growth into mature, productive adults.

UHW was also created to help other foster/adoptive families and single parent families to become better equipped to care for their children.  



​ Our home is a mission outreach for children to live and learn and play without hindrance or fear.

At Under His Wings we take temporary placements and provide respite care for other adoptive/single parent families. This will help these families have a safe place for their children while they work, need a break, or are in transitioning period. We are a safe family home environment for children who would otherwise enter into the foster care system.

Our provider offers developmentally age appropriate and behaviorally modified activities for every child's specific needs & goals while staying our home.

Family Care Home Highlights

Every child at UHW receives love & support, family life, life skills, education, mentoring, spiritual training, and participates in weekly church and community activities. 

We believe that every child deserves a stable, and loving home environment in which they can live, grow, and learn.

Under HIS Wings CC, Inc. Web Designer - Cindy Millsap Copyright ©2021

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